August 17, 2014

The Elements of Conflict

Conflict is an inevitable and potentially productive part of life at home and at work. Conflict is an inevitable result of social interaction. Conflicts occur in our lives because we engage in social interaction with people with different goals, values, and backgrounds.

Like stress, conflict is inevitable, and it can be either positive or negative. Constructive conflict... can help make you more focused on the work at hand. Disruptive conflict can make you resistant and defensive. In conflict, usually the harder you push, the harder you get pushed against. However, you can still engage in conflict without having it be a negative experience.

One way to reduce discomfort with conflict or disagreement is to identify and use common steps to manage conflict in a positive way. Effectively dealing with conflict is one of the most difficult aspects of getting along with other people. When faced with conflict, we often react without realizing that we have constructive, healthy choices available to us. We unconsciously start pushing back. It is important to remember that you can’t always control conflict. However, you can control your response to conflict.

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