November 25, 2009

Do you thrive in Teamwork and Collaboration?

Teamwork and Collaboration: is "working with others toward shared goals; creating group synergy in the pursuit of collective goals"

Can you thrive in an atmosphere of teamwork and collaboration? .... Ask yourself the following questions to find out.

  • Do you enjoy working cooperatively with others?
  • Can you draw all members if a group into active and enthusiastic participation?
  • Can you build team identity, esprit de corps and commitment?
  • Can you protect the group and its reputation, and share credit?
  • Do you share plans, information and resources?
  • Can you put team goals before individual goals?
  • Can you interact well with all different personalities and work styles on the team?
  • Do you demonstrate trust in, and respect for, all team members?

Definition and Questions from:

Coaching Emotional Intelligence

By Laura Belsten, PHD

2006 LearnMore Communications

November 18, 2009

Do you have Initiative and Bias for Action?

Initiative and Bias for Action: is "being proactive and persistent; being ready to act on opportunity"

Do you have initiative and bias for action?..... Ask yourself the following questions and find out.

  • Are you ready to seize opportunities, or create them, rather than simply wait for things to happen?
  • Do you pursue goals beyond what’s required or expected of you?
  • Can you cut through red tape and bend the rules if necessary to get the job done?
  • Do you mobilize others through unusual, enterprising efforts?
  • Do you act before you are forced to by external circumstances?
  • Do you want more from your job than a paycheck, and more from life as well?
  • Do you consistently strive to do more, be more, and experience new heights?

Definition and Questions from:

Coaching Emotional Intelligence

By Laura Belsten, PHD

2006 LearnMore Communications

November 11, 2009

Are you a Realisitic Optimist?

Realistic Optimism: "expecting success rather than failure, seeing an opportunity rather than a threat; seeing others positively; expecting the future to bring positive change, that things will be better"

Are you a realistic optimist?...... ask yourself these questions to find out.

  • Do you see obstacles and bad events as temporary, surmountable, challenges to overcome?
  • Do you have a self-talk style that comes from an outlook of expecting success?
  • Do you believe that you not only can, but you will succeed?
  • Do you apply this belief to all that you do, not just a single task?
  • Do you operate from a mindset of success, rather than a fear of failure?
  • Do you see success as a function of people’s motivation and ability?
  • Do you believe bad events are not your fault? That they are simply inevitable external realities that you can surmount?
  • Are you unfazed by defeat? When confronted with a bad situation, do you perceive it as a challenge and try harder?
  • Do you see setbacks as temporary, rather than as a personal flaw?

"People with this competence do better at work, in school, on the playing field and in life; they enjoy better health, and may even live longer, according to recent research."

Definition, Questions and Quote from:
Coaching Emotional Intelligence
By Laura Belsten, PHD
2006 LearnMore Communications

November 4, 2009

Do you have Personal Power?

Personal Power is: "a sense of self-confidence and an inner knowing that you can meet life’s challenges and live the life you choose"

Do you have it?? ....... ask yourself the following questions to find out.

  • Do you have a good sense of who you are and your ability to get what you want?
  • Do you believe that you can set the direction of your life, and do?
  • Are you able to distinguish between things you have control over in life and those that you don’t; do you avoid stressing over the former?
  • Do you define yourself from the inside out (I’m capable, creative, etc.), rather than from the outside in (I’m a banker, I’m a lawyer)?
  • Do make things happen, instead of blindly believing in fate?
  • Do you feel in control of your life?
  • Do you know what you want and go after it?
Definition and Questions from:
Coaching Emotional Intelligence
By Laura Belsten, PHD
2006 LearnMore Communications