July 20, 2012

Continual Personal Development

Your continual self-improvement is essential for personal development in life. A healthy child does not stop progressing after learning to crawl. He or she goes on to walk, and ultimately learns to run within his or her capacity. Each day is an opportunity to learn something new and to pursue knowledge about areas of interest and purpose in which you are passionate.

There is valuable wisdom within sound experience, but it is not recommended that you always totally rely upon what you may have learned or experienced eons ago. In every area of life, improvements and changes are continually taking place.

Below are four simple points to keep in mind for daily self-improvement:
  1. Read books, trade magazines, journals, blogs and research articles pertinent to your area of interest.
  2. Network and socialize with diverse individuals who share your interests and passions for living to keep abreast of new trends and areas of thought surrounding your interests.
  3. Take courses available to you to advance your field of knowledge in your area of expertise or field of interest.
  4. Travel internationally to learn about different customs, cultures and traditions surrounding your area of interest.

July 13, 2012

Discover Joy...

What lights your fire, floats your boat, puts a spring in your step? What makes time disappear for you? What motivates you to happily get out of bed in the morning?     
    It is great to discover why we do what we do, work where we work, engage in the business we do and find joy in our lives every day.  If you are fortunate enough to have family and friends around you who love you, we hope you share your time and hearts with them and embrace that joy fully.
    If you are in the group of people who also love your work and find joy in the everyday tasks and events associated with your work, you are doubly fortunate because you have discovered a secret-when work is fun, it is not work.
    We hope that you are in that group of people who love what they do. And if you are not in that group, maybe it is time to make a change and do something that will float your boat and make you happy while you work. It's OK to make a change, really it is. Scary, perhaps, but life is too short to be doing something every day and not be happy.

Here's to your happiness and Welcome To Living!