April 14, 2012

New Beginnings

We may tend to think of a new beginning in terms of external change, but it actually begins as internal experience. It may be experienced as a subtle inner shift: a new sense of readiness, an inner awakening. Sometimes our dreams presage the New Beginning. Dreams of birth, of moving into a new house, of discovering something new are often signals that new life is emerging....

One of the best ways to prepare for a New Beginning is to discover your soul's deepest desire. A true New Beginning will be some expression of this desire. And how do we discover our soul's desire? This is an extremely personal endeavor, so it is difficult to give a "formula" answer. Here are some questions to ask yourself in order to facilitate this discovery:
  1. What is it that I have always enjoyed doing?
  2. What has always come naturally for me?
  3. What would I do if I could not fail?
  4. If I were to die today, what would feel unfinished in my life?
  5. What is it that is so important to me that I would risk everything in order to achieve or experience it?

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