December 13, 2014

3 Tips to Increase Your Energy

We are coming upon the season when time management can go right out the holiday window. Yet when things get hectic, it's not necessarily time we need to manage, as much as our energy. Along with rest, exercise and good eating, consider the following to power- up over the coming month:
1. Decrease the things that deplete you and make time for those that give you ene
2. Write down the to-dos bouncing around in your head. It takes energy to remember them.
3. Set realistic expectations for yourself and others. High expectations are exhausting.
Also keep in mind that we have about 3 hours a day when our energy levels are at their peak. Use this time wisely. It's the window when you can get the most stuff done.

December 10, 2014

Adapt Your Communication Style

Are you task driven or people focused? Task driven personality types want to get things done. They don't engage in much small talk and can be so focused on the task they forget to engage the person.

People focused personality types think about how situations and decisions will affect others and can lose their objectivity and be slow to make decisions.

To enhance c...ommunication and relationships, think about the person you are speaking with and adapt your style to theirs. Engage people focused types with a more personal approach. And get to the point if you are talking to somebody who you sense is task driven.

Adapting to the other's communication style will help everybody get things done and get along at the same time.