September 18, 2014

Holding On to Your Reality

Has the strong opinion of another persuaded you to change your point of view? The tactics of others can move many of us into altering our position. Yet, when is it time to sway and when do we hold on to what is true for us?  It is not an easy question to answer and frankly I'm challenged to do it in just a few short bullets. But here I go. Hold on to your point of view when:

  • You have fully listened and remained open to the ideas of others and your point of view still makes the most sense
  • The persuaded point of view goes against your core values, ethics or morals
  • The losses in the persuaded point of view are far greater than the benefits

Holding on to our own opinion is important to foster the right moves for ourselves and our companies. We need to hear everybody's voice and be appropriate and conscious when choosing a direction.

September 13, 2014

5 Questions to Ask During Change....

People don't fear change, they fear the unknown.

Managing change and uncertainty has become an essential leadership skill in today's environment. That skill begins by learning how to plan, communicate and follow through to make sure the change is successful. Here are a few questions you might want to ask:

•What is the desired outcome or goal?
•What are the benefits and the losses?
•Who will the change effect and how?
•Who needs to know about the change?
•How will the change be communicated?