June 27, 2012

Peer Relationships...

Our peers can be a great source of support, information and camaraderie. Yet many of us get so busy we forget to take the time to nurture these important relationships. We often connect with our peers when we need something instead of creating mutually beneficial relationships throughout the year. This week, consider going to lunch with a peer and asking her/him the following:
•What's your greatest challenge right now?
•How can we interact in a way that would be even more effective?
•What can I do to best support you?

You will be amazed what you discover by taking the time to ask a few key questions and by sending the message that you care about the relationship.

June 16, 2012

Vote for Welcome To Living as the Best Small Business in Seattle!!!!

Vote for Welcome To Living as your favorite local business in Seattle. Click on the link below and you will find Welcome To Living under the Small Business tab, scroll down to #11 and VOTE!!


Thank you for pariticpating!!