Realistic Optimism: "expecting success rather than failure, seeing an opportunity rather than a threat; seeing others positively; expecting the future to bring positive change, that things will be better"
Are you a realistic optimist?...... ask yourself these questions to find out.
- Do you see obstacles and bad events as temporary, surmountable, challenges to overcome?
- Do you have a self-talk style that comes from an outlook of expecting success?
- Do you believe that you not only can, but you will succeed?
- Do you apply this belief to all that you do, not just a single task?
- Do you operate from a mindset of success, rather than a fear of failure?
- Do you see success as a function of people’s motivation and ability?
- Do you believe bad events are not your fault? That they are simply inevitable external realities that you can surmount?
- Are you unfazed by defeat? When confronted with a bad situation, do you perceive it as a challenge and try harder?
- Do you see setbacks as temporary, rather than as a personal flaw?
"People with this competence do better at work, in school, on the playing field and in life; they enjoy better health, and may even live longer, according to recent research."
Definition, Questions and Quote from: Coaching Emotional Intelligence
By Laura Belsten, PHD
2006 LearnMore Communications