August 12, 2012

What is Leadership?

When asked which employees they would keep when it comes to leadership skills, employers say, "The ones who are willing and able to assume a leadership role and take charge when necessary and appropriate." So, what is leadership in today's organizations? Traditional organizations of the past had "bosses" who told their employees what to do. Then these bosses found that employees would do just that and nothing more!

In today's organizations, most "bosses" have taken on new roles. They realize that "bossing" others can destroy an employee's sense of ownership and pride. Today's organizations need leaders rather than "bosses".

♦ A boss possesses a title. A leader sets an example.
♦ A boss demands respect. A leader earns respect.
♦ A boss tells employees what to do. A leader inspires action in others and demonstrates the right way to do something.
♦ A boss focuses on "I". A leader focuses on "we".